

◎ The yen is steadily depreciating against the dollar! If the Bank of Japan (government) intervenes and the yen strengthens, speculators will once again rush to sell yen! …Who will be the winner in this cycle? It could be the speculators, in other words, overseas funds! …However, the cost of purchasing dollars for the Bank of Japan (government) is 60-70%, so the profits they realize will be considerable! …I think there must be losers who are suffering losses despite their fears...!
◎対ドルで円安が進行中! 日銀(政府)が介入して円高が進めば、投機筋は再び円売りに殺到するだろう! …このサイクルの勝者は誰でしょうか? それは投機家、つまり海外ファンドかもしれない! …しかし、日銀(政府)のドル購入コストは60~70%なので、彼らが実現する利益は相当なものになるでしょう! …恐怖を感じながらも損失を被っている敗者もいるはず…!