


大企業は空前の業績好調で「企業内部留保560兆円超」に達しているが、未だ「トリクルダウン」の兆候は見られない!デフレ脱出の兆候もあるが公式には「脱デフレ宣言」に至ってない!日銀(政府)は物価目標の持続的・安定的2%インフレの確度は「ゼロでは無い」「不確実性がある」が高まって来ていると云う…!しかし日本企業の99.7%を占める中小零細企業では「円安ドル高」の下で原材料高騰等から67%は赤字経営続きだ!また「ゼロゼロ融資」返済期を迎え倒産件数の増加も否定できない!一般市民感覚では「生鮮食品を除く食料」前年比8.2%の価格上昇に喘いでいるのが実態であろう!今、日銀(政府)は、政官経労一体で「物価上昇を上回る賃金上昇」に取組むと宣言を発した!目的達成プロセスは様々あるとしても、10数年超継続した『異次元の金融緩和』の成果を問うならば, all over Japan、japan as a whole『実質賃金の上昇』に収束されると云っても過言ではないと思う!

  • >>821

    ◎We are looking forward to the Bank of Japan's review of the results of "a different level of monetary easing," but...If we look at the current situation, the outstanding government debt is over 1,270 trillion yen, which is 2.15 times the GDP (over 591 trillion yen)!  The Bank of Japan holds 47.1% (584 trillion yen) of outstanding government bonds, and also holds 51.3 trillion yen in ETFs, supporting stock prices!

     Large companies are performing at an unprecedented pace, reaching ``corporate internal reserves of over 560 trillion yen,'' but there are no signs of ``trickle down'' yet!  There are signs of an end to deflation, but we have not officially declared an end to deflation!  The Bank of Japan (government) says that the probability of achieving a sustained and stable 2% inflation price target is "not zero" and "there is some uncertainty"...!  However, among small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for 99.7% of Japanese companies, 67% continue to operate in the red due to the ``weak yen'' and soaring raw material prices!  Furthermore, it cannot be denied that the number of bankruptcies is increasing as the repayment period for "Zero Zero Loans" approaches!  The reality is that the average citizen is suffering from an 8.2% year-on-year increase in prices for food excluding fresh food!  Now, the Bank of Japan (government) has issued a declaration that the government, government, economy, and industry will work together to achieve "wage increases that outpace price increases."  Although there may be various processes to achieve the objective, if we ask the results of the ``extraordinary monetary easing'' that has continued for more than 10 years, it can be said that it has converged to ``an increase in real wages'' all over Japan, japan as a whole. I don't think that's an exaggeration!

  • >>821

    ◎We are looking forward to the Bank of Japan's review of the results of "a different level of monetary easing," but...If we look at the current situation, the outstanding government debt is over 1,270 trillion yen, which is 2.15 times the GDP (over 591 trillion yen)!  The Bank of Japan holds 47.1% (584 trillion yen) of outstanding government bonds, and also holds 51.3 trillion yen in ETFs, supporting stock prices!

     Large companies are performing at an unprecedented pace, reaching ``corporate internal reserves of over 560 trillion yen,'' but there are no signs of ``trickle down'' yet!  There are signs of an end to deflation, but we have not officially declared an end to deflation!  The Bank of Japan (government) says that the probability of achieving a sustained and stable 2% inflation price target is "not zero" and "there is some uncertainty"...!  However, among small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for 99.7% of Japanese companies, 67% continue to operate in the red due to the ``weak yen'' and soaring raw material prices!  Furthermore, it cannot be denied that the number of bankruptcies is increasing as the repayment period for "Zero Zero Loans" approaches!  The reality is that the average citizen is suffering from an 8.2% year-on-year increase in prices for food excluding fresh food!  Now, the Bank of Japan (government) has issued a declaration that the government, government, economy, and industry will work together to achieve "wage increases that outpace price increases."  Although there may be various processes to achieve the objective, if we ask the results of the ``extraordinary monetary easing'' that has continued for more than 10 years, it can be said that it has converged to ``an increase in real wages'' all over Japan, japan as a whole. I don't think that's an exaggeration!