
レーザーテック(株)【6920】の掲示板 2023/03/02


明日がある 強く買いたい 2023年3月3日 01:41



Measuring the critical dimensions of semiconductor device features becomes more challenging as photoresists get thinner with EUV and especially High-NA EUV.

To capture high-resolution images that provide accurate, sub-nanometer measurements, the CD-SEM must be able to precisely apply a narrow eBeam to the small area occupied by the extremely thin photoresist. eBeam energy interacts with photoresists, and if the landing energy is too high, the resist will shrink, distorting the pattern and creating errors. Conventional CD-SEMs cannot produce beams narrow enough to create high-resolution images at landing energies low enough to minimize interactions with the delicate High-NA photoresist.
Introducing the VeritySEM® 10 CD-SEM Metrology System