
(株)三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループ【8306】の掲示板 2024/03/22

I reckon the two biggest groups of amateur individual investors in Japan are this place and SoftBank Group. SoftBank Group's got some top-notch posts from sellers (or should I say, traders), but there's also some eye-catching stuff from the buyers' side. They've got a good balance between buying and selling posts. But man, there's just so many posts, it's like a graffiti wall in the restroom, so I stopped posting there.

Here, on the other hand, the number of posts is just right for a good back-and-forth, but there's a strong group bias, which kinda kills the discussion vibe.

If you ask me who's happier, it's gotta be SoftBank Group. I'll tell you why later.