
Shinwa Wise Holdings(株)【2437】の掲示板 2024/02/15〜

Dear Edoversian
We inform you that gave up MEXIC for ZENI and decided to concentrate BitMart.
ZENI holders who habe kept in MEXIC couid switch tour exchange into Bitmart for the trading.

Sorry for the inconvenience,however,this decision could be a constracutive to manage ZENI to focus for a while.
As a result of the decision,ZENI market is expected to be more active.

Edoverse world announce a new road map soon.
Please wait for a new announcement from Edoverse foundation.

Shinwa Wise Holdings(株)【2437】 Dear Edoversian We inform you that gave up MEXIC for ZENI and decided to concentrate BitMart. ZENI holders who habe kept in MEXIC couid switch tour exchange into Bitmart for the trading.  Sorry for the inconvenience,however,this decision could be a constracutive to manage ZENI to focus for a while. As a result of the decision,ZENI market is expected to be more active.  Edoverse world announce a new road map soon. Please wait for a new announcement from Edoverse foundation.