
(株)ルネサンス【2378】の掲示板 2022/12/26〜2024/02/07


Wani 強く売りたい 2023年10月4日 14:07


When it comes to these companies, Konami and Renaissance were two notable players. Konami had a reputation for being well-structured and supportive of its staff. On the other hand, Renaissance struggled with financial leaks and overspending.

Experts in the industry knew Konami was in a class of its own. They treated their staff fairly, including instructors, and sold off unprofitable land holdings. Renaissance, on the other hand, continued waste resources leak money for over a decade. By 2007, they could only offer short-term contracts with no benefits, took away staff locker rooms, and treated instructors differently than corporate employees, which negatively impacted talent retention.

Oasis trying to save Renaissance, but it was clear that the company was struggling. Comparing Konami and Renaissance is not helpful because they are too different. Instead, we should focus on Konami's strong business model fair treatment of employees as a positive example for the industry.