
日揮ホールディングス(株)【1963】の掲示板 2023/09/16〜2023/12/05

これから暫くの間はチャイナリスクを十二分に考慮して、今後のビジネスは東南アジアを中心としてインドやトルクメニスタン、カザフスタンなどの資源国で伸び代が期待できる中央アジア、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドと言った日本が同盟を生かせる国とビジネスを展開する企業に投資をする事が成功への道筋に繋がるかも知れない。そういう意味では自動車関連もタイをはじめとしてベトナムやインド、インドネシアやオセアニアにも日本メーカーのビジネスマーケットがあるし、エネルギー関連でもオーストラリアをはじめとするオセアニアや中央アジアの資源国に力を入れて展開するEPC Contractorにもチャンスが訪れるかも知れない。いずれにせよこれらの国々とビジネスチャンスを持つ企業が次への投資先に適しているのではないかと私は考える。中国のビジネスは距離をおいて、限られた範囲で進めていく姿勢が必要ではないか。

For the foreseeable future, we will take China risks into full consideration, and our future business will focus on Southeast Asia, as well as resource-rich countries such as India, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan. Investing in companies that do business with countries that create alliances will not lead to success. In that sense, there are automobile-related business markets for Japanese manufacturers in Thailand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, and Oceania, and in the energy-related field, EPC is focusing on Australia and other resource-rich countries in Oceania and Central Asia. Contractors also have no chance. I think it would be suitable for future investment. For the foreseeable future, we will take China risks into full consideration, and our future business will focus on Southeast Asia, as well as resource-rich countries such as India, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan. Investing in companies that do business with countries that create alliances will not lead to success. In that sense, there are automobile-related business markets for Japanese manufacturers in Thailand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, and Oceania, and in the energy-related field, EPC is focusing on Australia and other resource-rich countries in Oceania and Central Asia. Contractors also have no chance.
I believe that when doing business with China, it is necessary to keep distance in mind and go within a limited range.