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  • 2023/01/25 19:17

    >>No. 139


    アイスバーグのリリウムのレポートかなり辛辣です。 そのあと株価急落 どうおもわれますか?

  • アーチャーは資金ショートで潰れると思ったけどステランティスが支援で2年間は
    持つことになりCEOおよび重役も買い増しで3ドルに。 ただ実績はほぼ皆無やしなあ。 CEOが会社が赤字なのに自分に 会社の成否にかかわらず190億円の報酬(2021年 為替130円で計算)で あきれた。 それ以来そんぎってそのままに。 今回はわからん。

  • >>No. 810

    名字が一緒なのでびびった。 前々社長のIの相棒をやったからなあ。

    ホンダ〝営業〟倉石会長就任で「技術系排除」に拍車 - ZAITENhttps://www.zaiten.co.jp › article › 2022/04 › post-416

  • 公用車でパリ市内を観光

    野党  なんとか岸田を首にしてくれ。 あとは 萩生田  高市  世耕がいい。
    河野の馬鹿とか 小泉はやめてくれ。

  • >>No. 12

    Adjusting the financial model for 95% of $7.5 billion revenue gives a share price well over $300, it is hard to estimate the costs of such an enormous ramp-up without more information.

    Where are they right now?
    GlobalFoundries is a vital part of the ARBE sales pitch. One customer received the first significant shipment direct from GF in the last quarter. A second customer will receive a shipment in the current quarter. GF is testing the chips in the fab, but that checking is not yet automated and needs to be before mass production begins. There is also an issue with auto grade approval; however, that is about to be resolved by GF. ARBE expects to go into total mass production in early 2023.

  • >>No. 11

    Five analysts follow Arbe, and using their forecasts (all of which assume Arbe will hit its $300 million revenue target), SimplyWall.st produced the following fair value calculation from a Discounted Cash Flow model.

    bar chart of arbe fair value
    DCF Fair value (simplywall.st)

    This fair Value is a little higher than my model predicts with the given turnover. Arbe has guided to +60%.

    Late in the conference call, analysts quizzed management about the ten expected contract decisions and the interjection by the CFO, saying things could be much more significant. The CEO, Kobi, said that if you add all the Request for Proposals to the Requests for Quotations, they are bidding on 7.5 billion dollars in revenue between 2023 and 2029. His seriousness was hard to judge when he said he expected to win 95% of those bids. I suspect he was being honest.

  • >>No. 10

    A Crunch 12 months
    It is now crunch time for ARBE and its competitors; Innoviz (INVZ) stole a march on the rest with its recent significant design wins (as predicted in this article, Lidar Review leading to buy Innoviz recommendation. Kobi Marenko (CEO of ARBE) said in the Earnings call following the Q2 results that between September and March, they expect ten decisions from different auto companies that Arbe has completed testing with; each decision accounts for revenue somewhere between $30 million and $100 million per year. As soon as he said that, the CFO jumped in, saying that these figures were from Identified customers and they thought revenue would go higher. Arbe has consistently guided to $300 million in revenue per annum, requiring three big wins out of the ten they are bidding on.

  • >>No. 9

    ARBE is unique in its approach, as it develops its high-resolution 4D RADAR chip in collaboration with GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GFS) based on GFs 22nm architecture. ARBE's chipset can decode the 4D point cloud (position + velocity for every point in the cloud) and feed that information to the car's main information system. Arbe is also developing the algorithms necessary to interpret the information received.

    The Market
    The market for automotive radar was around $20 billion in 2020 and is growing with a CAGR of 10%. Current automotive radar helps with collision avoidance, cruise control, parking assist, and some blind spot detection.

    The market for LIDAR is forecast to be $3.4 billion in 2026, with a CAGR of over 20%.

    Arbe's 4D radar system will be targeting both of these markets with its products capable of fulfilling both roles simultaneously.

  • >>No. 7

    "a cat is sitting behind that garbage can."
    RADAR is not as accurate as LIDAR; however, the Arbe Radar is accurate to 1mm, which is enough for any automotive applications. The increased information from the Arbe solution includes velocity at the pixel level.The ARBE product looks like a significant improvement on the existing automotive RADAR systems from companies like Infineon (OTCQX:IFNNY), NXP (NXPI), and Calterah. It also appears to be better than the other proposed offerings from startups pursuing the same market, of which Uhnder seems to be the closest to market.Uhnder, a startup based in Texas is pursuing a 4D digital radar product. They are collaborating with Magna (MGA) and have already signed Fisker (FSR) to their product. Full specs are not yet available on the website, and it is hard to be sure of the product.

  • >>No. 6

    ARBE hopes its chips will be a crucial element in the drive toward Autonomous driving. Arbe's advantage is its IP. Its flagship product has 48 Transmitters x 48 Receiver Channels with a 1mm 1 degree resolution. It can detect objects of all size (and their speed) up to 300 m away, giving a full 360-degree point cloud that ARBE's software can interpret. Its maximum range is 800m for objects. Being RADAR rather than LIDAR (it uses Radio waves, not Light waves), it works in all weather conditions; unlike LIDAR, it is unaffected by fog, snow, rain, and bright sunlight. RADAR can also see through many objects giving information like:-

    "a dog is running behind that fence towards the road,"

    "Visibility is only 10m because of the snow but there is a crashed car 25m ahead,"

  • >>No. 5

    I first wrote about Arbe in January and described them as A high return low risk bet. This article builds on the first one, and it may be worth reading the first article to get a good understanding of what Arbe does.

    Many startup companies have recently entered the Auto Radar market, often described as millimeter radar; start-ups from China, Korea, Israel, and the US have entered what looks like a lucrative market. However, Arbe was the first and is leading the technical challenge as its products will go into serial production early in 2023.

    ARBE has developed a high-resolution imaging radar system on a chip that it is trying to sell to automotive companies as a competitor to Lidar and an improvement on the existing automotive radar. (My first article on ARBE covers the product in detail)

  • Arbe expects decisions from crucial customers that will define its future in the coming months.
    Wallstreet analysts forecast a significant sales ramp that would give Arbe shares a fair value of more than $100.
    Technical and sales support from GLOBALFOUNDRIES is helping Arbe to target tier 1 manufacturers.

    ARBE Robotics (NASDAQ:ARBE), a 2021 SPAC working on automotive RADAR systems, faces what might be the crucial 12 months in its life span. If the next year goes according to plan, it could be a billion-dollar company. Anything less, and it could be just another busted SPAC. Several major automotive players will make buying decisions in the next 12 months that will tie them into products for 3-5 years and ARBE is on the shortlist of companies totaling $7.5 Billion of sales contracts.

  • 自動運転」関連に大脚光、レベル4解禁で株価も躍進ステージへ <株探トップ特集>



  • >>アメリカは走っている車の半分以上がいわゆるトラックカテゴリーであり、これが最後まで残る。また1日のドライブで800kmとか1000km走る事もあり、今のEVの性能とインフラでは普及は無理だ

    これには 水素 燃料電池が最適 ホンダ イスズ GM

    いすゞ自動車株式会社(本社:東京都品川区、社長:片山 正則、以下、いすゞ)と本田技研工業株式会社の研究開発子会社である株式会社本田技術研究所(本社:埼玉県和光市、社長:三部 敏宏、以下、Honda)は、燃料電池(FC)をパワートレインに採用した大型トラックの共同研究契約を締結しました。

     こうした環境下、いすゞは、「運ぶ」を支える商用車メーカーとして、低炭素で持続可能なエネルギーの活用を目指しクリーンディーゼルや天然ガス自動車(NGV)用エンジン、電気自動車(EV)など、お客様の用途やニーズに合わせたパワートレインの研究・開発に取り組んできました。また、Hondaは、カーボンフリー社会の実現に向け、ハイブリッド車やEVなどに加え、究極の環境技術として燃料電池車(FCV)の研究・開発に30年以上にわたり取り組んできました。本田技研工業は、FC(燃料電池)システムの応用・展開について紹介する展示を「第18回 FC EXPO 水素・燃料電池展」(3月16日~18日:東京ビッグサイト)に出展する。会場では、GM(ゼネラルモーターズ)と共同開発を行なっている「FCパワーユニットプロトタイプ」や、いすゞ自動車と行なっているFC大型トラック技術の確立に向けた共同研究の進捗状況などが紹介される。



  • 【二輪】EVバイクの「弱点3つ」を克服! ホンダの「バッテリー交換設備」量産
     ホンダは2022年10月25日、電動モビリティ用のバッテリー交換ステーション「Honda Power Pack Exchanger e:(パワーパックエクスチェンジャーイー)」の販売を開始し、日本で1台目となる量産機が同日に稼働を始めたと発表しました。




     Honda Power Pack Exchanger e:は、交換式バッテリー「Honda Mobile Power Pack e:(モバイルパワーパックイー)」を複数同時に充電し、スムーズなバッテリー交換を可能にします。



     また、シェアリングサービスの運用に必要な情報をクラウド上で一元管理するシステム「Honda Power Pack Cloud(パワーパッククラウド)」を採用し、シェアリング事業者、電動モビリティユーザー両者の利便性、使いやすさを追求したといいます。

     なお海外では、インドの現地法人Honda Power Pack Energy India Pvt. Ltd.(HEID)が電動三輪タクシー(リキシャ)向けバッテリーシェアリングサービス事業を開始しており、Honda Power Pack Exchanger e:を運用しています。

  • EV電池、「フッ素」を主役に 性能はリチウムの7倍




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